Tutor details

Personal Statement
Angela has over 25 years of teaching experience with students from 5 to 85. She graduated with a BA from John Carroll University and an MFA from the Iowa Writer’s Workshop at the University of Iowa. Most recently, she was the Director of Studies at Laurel School, where she also taught Upper School English and worked closely with College Guidance. Angela has deep experience partnering with families as they navigate the path through secondary school and on to college. She takes great satisfaction in helping students to achieve their potential and to write their own stories. Every day, she is amazed and heartened by the energy, resiliency, and commitment exhibited by students from across country, and she believes in their power to make changes for the better.
M.F.A. The Iowa Writers Workshop at the University of Iowa - 1994
B.A. John Carroll University - 1992
Awards and Recognitions
Progressive Education Network Fellow-2016
Klingenstein Independent School Leadership Summer Fellow-2007
Conway Teaching Award Winner-2004
Story Magazine short story award winner-1993