Tutor details

Personal Statement
Elena is a TESOL-certified English tutor and a translator from Japanese To English. She began her career as an educator during her master's degree in Japanese at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she worked as a teacher's assistant for undergraduate literature courses. After her graduation in 2020, she began teaching one-on-one and group immersion English classes to children from China. Simultaneously, she launched her career as a freelance translator of Japanese comics. Elena has taught hundreds of English classes and is praised by parents for her friendliness, student output, and comprehension checks. She makes it a priority to build a rapport with her students and equip them with tools to succeed in the life-time pursuit that is language learning. To further her language skills, Elena participates in translation contests. In 2020, she became a finalist in the Kurodahan Press Translation Contest, having translated a short story by Moe Azuchi called "Winter Cicada" from Japanese to English.
B.A. - Coby College - 2014
M.A. - Umass Amherst - 2020
Awards and Recognitions
Finalist in the 2020 Kurodahan Translation Contest-2020
Davis UWC Scholar-2010
120-Hour TESOL Certificate-2020