Tutor details

Personal Statement
Mathematics is the topic that Elie shared thoroughly enjoyed throughout his educational life. When he was in high school, his teacher selected him as a co-teacher to check his classmates' works or teach any student(s) who missed a school's day. In college, after a year as volunteer for mathematics and science tutor, the college hired him as a regular tutor after giving him tests that he passed with high scores. Graduated from college, he started to work as a mathematic co-teacher for middle school. After a year, showing progress from his students, he became regular teacher for middle school's students. The process of solving and logic with challenge of thinking always captivate his attention to mathematical problems, does not matter how difficult and regardless the form in which they come. He develops a skill set well rounded, including first-rate communication and presentation skills over his more than five years of experiences. This expands his ability to communicate using mathematical proper matched level of vocabulary with his students. He is willing to attempt challenges, non-standard problems that depend upon a substantial amount of thought and ability. What is so appealing about mathematics for him is the chance of connecting it in the physical world. He shows with fascination the way to collect data, work out on an equation related to how high a ball can reach when it is kicking, or derive the reflection of having an accident. He facilitates the point of view of his scholars by preparing and delivering his own lectures, scheduling office hours, and reviewing sessions, helping them to build their knowledge, confidence and making them ready for their mathematics or science exams.
A.S.-Borough of Manhattan CC-2013
B.S.-Hunter College-2016
Awards and Recognitions
Selected to the Fellowship of High-Potential and Dedicated College Graduates-
Summer Youth Program Coordinator-
“Elie, every time you step through our doors, you are a math life saver for my children! Thank you for everything you have done for our kiddos. You make them show big progress in their algebra II and Geometry at school and pass their SAT and ISEE. We really appreciate you.” - Catherine V.
“Elie, thank you for helping me with all my trigonometry works and teaching me new things on how to solve the problems during our one-on-one sessions. I know I show some times up and down in my understanding but you didn’t give up helping me and making me feel today a better mathematician. ” - Houssainatou J.
“Elie, thank you for being such a great teacher and helping me with my basic algebra during the math lessons.” - Caleb C