Tutor details

Personal Statement
Joseph is an experienced math tutor, specializing in the most advanced high school math courses and examinations. He is an expert in the AP Calculus BC Exam and has helped many students score 770+ on the math SAT. He is an expert at all levels of honors math classes. He focuses on helping students make major improvements in grades and scores. He uses a highly interactive approach, adapting to the students' needs and involving students in their own learning process.
BA Quantitative Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, 1980
Awards and Recognitions
15 Years Experience and Over 2,000+ Private Tutoring Hours-2020
Published Test Prep Author (ACT/ SAT)-2020
"My daughter was failing, did not want a tutor, and was convinced she would fail even with a tutor. She gave Joseph a chance and scored 91 on her Algebra 2 final exam!" - Proud Parent
"Joe helped my daughter increase her combined ACT score from 23 to 31. Currently a graduate student at Columbia, she credits Joe with dramatically improving her test taking strategies." - Proud Parent