Tutor details
Personal Statement
Josh is a graduate of the Rutgers Graduate School of Education with a Masters degree in Science Education, and a major in physics, math/education minor, also from Rutgers University. He has been tutoring since 2010 and has many satisfied students in physics and math. His Masters degree gives him a very unique way to teach the subject of physics, and in turn, math, by trying to look at the complex interlocking equations of physics and explain them at their base, conceptual level. It is his tried and tested belief that if a student can get a grasp on the concepts in physics and mathematics, most problems afterwards will become an overall simpler calculating experience, making homework, tests, and even just looking at the world and understanding the patterns a fuller, and more complete experience. He always tries to include real world examples of difficult concepts, so that the student can see certain ideas in action, as opposed to simply as an equation on a piece of paper. Students can then use this familiar starting point as a bridging point in their mind, and begin to form an idea of how the concept used in the example works in both a specific and global context. His most exciting result was when one of his students sat their parents down to explain the same concept, using a similar, but not exactly identical analogy, showing that the knowledge had grown from contextually specific to a broader understanding of the use and application of the idea. Watching knowledge be passed along from a student who started out a novice and growing to this level of skill and understanding validated everything about why he teaches.
dM : Science Education, Rutgers Graduate School of Education - 2015
BS : Physics, Math Minor, Rutgers -2011
BS : Computer Science (in progress), Rutgers - 2022
Awards and Recognitions
AP Scholar with Distinction-2006
Working with Josh made Physics turn from seeming insurmountable to a subject that I enjoyed learning about and practicing. He was always very patient, approachable, and he knew when I would have the skills necessary to solve a problem on my own and when I would need his input, using examples and asking questions to help me figure out what the next step needed to be. I can't thank him enough for his help in Physics Honors and AP Physics C. He helped me learn the importance of divergent thinking when I was approaching physics problems, that I knew more than I thought when it came to working through problems, and taught me how physics concepts were all interconnected, helping me work through questions that at first seemed impossible to answer. He was the best physics tutor I could ask for. Thank you! Sandy
In addition to teaching concepts, Josh always motivates my son. At one point in the lesson, he actually said "This is fun"! Refreshing change from the frustration he typically experiences with math. Emily
Josh has been highly instrumental in my understanding of college math classes, especially in my most recent semester of calculus. His tutoring provided me with the structure and reliable support necessary for my grasping of concepts in calculus, something I otherwise struggled with. I find Josh to be a highly effective tutor primarily because he can present the material through diverse examples. Furthermore, Josh stressed the larger concepts at hand in order to help me make sense of my work and my answers. Overall, I would not have been as successful in calculus if it were not for Josh’s help. I look forward to tutoring with him in my future classes. Ethan