Tutor details

Personal Statement
Kenneth is a PhD student and his work focuses on figuring out the theoretical calculations to allow for the teleportation of molecules and the construction of full colored dynamic 3D holograms without the need for special glasses or cameras. His ambition of turning science-fiction technology into science fact is fueled from his life mentality. He stands by the statements, "If I can dream it, I can make it" and "Time and effort can render what's deemed impossible today, probable tomorrow and inevitably an everyday occurrence." Kenneth's learning philosophy starts by acknowledging that getting something wrong is simply a sign post pointing you in the right direction. Kenneth believes in the growth mindset and that the process of learning something can, in many ways, be more valuable than getting something right. Kenneth takes his learning philosophy into his classroom where he teaches undergraduate students how to break down complex physics problems into small easy steps. At the same time, he always shows how mathematical or physics concepts relate to everyday life or technology. His teaching style starts off with the big picture of "Why" and where the motivation comes from and then he dives into details. He uses personal anecdotes about his struggles or successes in learning particular topics and drawings. "I am a visual learner and I demonstrate concepts by drawing or finding some sort of demonstration or at least some kind of visual aid." When he shows math steps, he progresses in a linear manner writing all his steps vertically with the equals sign lined up and don't jump all over the place. In the classroom, he constantly keeps students alternating between standing and sitting, doing problems and listening to prevent the learning from turning stale. He gives out a personal worked out step-by-step solutions to problems and emphasizes utilizing them while always asking an important rhetorical question, "Does a cook book make you a good chef?" Then he expects the answer to be, "No, practicing cooking does!"
BS Physics, Minor Mathematics Drexel University - 2013
MS Physics, Stevens Institute of Technology - 2019
Awards and Recognitions
Undergraduate Research Award 2011, Student Society of Physics - 2011
Students President - 2018