Tutor details

Personal Statement
Simon holds a B.A. in Mathematics from Rutgers University and an M.A. in Linguistics from Tulane University. While studying for his MA, Simon held a teaching assistantship and enjoyed the student interface. Although he went into the corporate business world, he continued tutoring privately for over 30 years focused on various math subjects. Simon gets tremendous satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment when his students grasp concepts and begin to enjoy and like math, rather than viewing it as ‘something they have to do’. Simon stresses the importance of math because it teaches logical thinking, which is essential for any profession. He views himself as a ‘coach’, showing students how to solve problems, time-management techniques, etc., but always reminds his students that the ‘heavy-lifting’, which is doing the assigned homework and completing the practice tests, is their responsibility and the path to getting high scores.
B.A. - Rutgers University
M.A. - Tulane University
Awards and Recognitions
Great tutor!
My daughter was reluctant to get tutoring in the beginning, but that quickly changed after her first session with Simon. Simon was patient, encouraging and worked very well with her. He gave my daughter the confidence she needed. She was already doing well in class but she wanted to do better. And working with Simon did just that. Her grades went up and she felt very good about that. We will definitely recommend Simon to anyone.
Simon is a great tutor!
Simon is a very patient tutor who gave my daughter a lot of confidence and lessened her anxiety about taking the SATs and ACTs. She enjoyed working with him and hopes to continue to do well with Simon's help. We would highly recommend Simon to anyone considering a tutor.
Great Math Lesson
Simon is a fantastic tutor, he actively listens to the needs of the student and takes time to engage in ways that support the individual learning style of the student. He has a great command of Math and know how to make the complex very simple.